Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Eating carbs at night for better sleep

Bad sleep
I noticed last night my sleep is dependant on my carb intake at night. Normally I am low carb during the day and eat carbs at 15:00, 18:00 or after training. So last evening after training I decided to have no carbs but stick to proteine and fats (and have lots of them ;-). The reason for this I am eating out tonight with carbs. I was frying in coconut oil and going a little bit crazy on my home made coconut/date candy and the nut butters). This went pretty well. I was full and no carvings what so ever...

But the next morning at 5 o'clock I was wide awake and could not sleep anymore. So here I am with my morning coffee (with fats and proteins again) writng this blog at a ackward time ;-)

My sleep quality is influenced by my carb intake at night. Normally I eat carbs at 15:00 and 18:00. This would be things like home made pancakes, rice. potatos etc... and after a training session I add some more sweet stuff too to refull glycogen and reward myself ;-)

I hoped the fat intake would take care of good sleep but this does not seem to work.

The amount of fat I hade had no influence on my weight or bodyfat, they are stable.  

Possible solution  
I remember a tip from the poliquin website about sleeping well stating the problems with sleep on a low carb diet. The solution described there would be to take a cup of berrys (low gi fruit) to have some non insuline spiking carbs before bed. 

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